
15. und 16. September 2021

The Innovation Conference for Media

The Conference for Journalism of the Future

Together with our scoopcamp-Board of twelve Hamburg-based content companies, we invite you to the Innovation Conference for Media 2023. The all-day program will focus on monetization strategies for journalism. Experts from the practice will share their insights and the audience of journalism experts will have the opportunity to actively share experiences and challenges.

The scoopcamp 2023 took place on September 14, 2023.




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scoopcamp Essentials


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Prof. Christina Elmer

Prof. Christina Elmer is Professor of Digital Journalism and Data Journalism at TU Dortmund University.

She won the scoop Award 2023 and spoke as a keynote speaker about why AI technologies particularly challenge the media and how they can make journalism better.


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Alya Itzkowitz

Alya Itzkowitz is a manager at FT Strategies and was a keynote speaker at scoopcamp 2023.

In this video, she explains how important it is for the future of news to build a community.


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Hatice Kahraman

Hatice Kahraman is the editorial director of CORRECTIV’s Salon5 youth editorial team and was a panel speaker at scoopcamp 2023.

In this video, the scoopcamp speaker talks about how journalism can reach younger target groups.


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Gregor Schmalzried

Gregor Schmalzried is an author and net journalist who writes and consults on digital media and technology. He was a panel speaker at scoopcamp 2023.

Here he talks about the future of the media industry and the changes brought about by artificial intelligence.


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Jack Riley

Jack Riley is VP Business Development & Revenue Strategy for BuzzFeed News and HuffPost.

Jack Riley won the scoop Award 2022 and was a keynote speaker at scoopcamp 2022. Here he tells us how media companies can succeed in the digital transformation and engage young audiences with news.


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Tina Dingel

Tina Dingel is the CEO of Steady, a service that allows media creators to finance their work through their followers.

In this video, the scoopcamp speaker explains how even big media brands can benefit from the potential of the creator economy and a strong community.


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Nico Wilfer

Nico Wilfer is the Chief Product Officer at the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and founder of the blogging platform

Here, the scoopcamp speaker talks about the strategies and restructuring that have enabled FAZ to take its position as one of the leading digital news media.

Speakers 2023

These speakers will be at scoopcamp 2023. More speakers will be published here soon.

Hatice Kahraman

Hatice Kahraman

Nashua Gallagher

Nashua Gallagher

Aliya Itzkowitz

Aliya Itzkowitz

Christina Elmer
Keynote & scoop-Award

Prof. Christina Elmer

Maren Urner - Fotocredit Lea Franke
scoop-Award Laudatio

Prof. Dr. Maren Urner

Maylis Chevalier

Maylis Chevalier


Mathias Douchet

Marie Kilg - Fotocredit David Pierce Brill

Marie Kilg


Gregor Schmalzried

Enrique Tarragona

Enrique Tarragona

Sebastian Kuhnert
Fireside Chat

Sebastian Kuhnert

Miriam Scharlibbe

Miriam Scharlibbe

Luise Lange-Letellier _ Fotocredit: Ivo Mayr/ CORRECTIV

Luise Lange-Letellier

Johanna Ruediger

Johanna Rüdiger

Björn Staschen

Björn Staschen

Cordula Schmitz

Cordula Schmitz

Astrid Maier

Astrid Maier


Hatice Kahraman

Managing Editor Salon5, CORRECTIV

Hatice Kahraman is managing editor of CORRECTIV’s Salon5 youth editorial team and is close to Generation Z on a daily basis. She works with young people between the ages of 13 and 18, showing them the journalistic craft and reporting from young people’s lives. She studied journalism and political science, worked for WDR, Spiegel online and dpa. After that, she did a traineeship at CORRECTIV and learned about investigative research. Since then, she has combined research with journalism for young people.


Nashua Gallagher

Lead Product Manager, Neue Zürcher Zeitung

For nearly 15 years, Nashua worked in Hong Kong as a content and subscriptions marketing strategist for several media companies, most recently for Financial Times. In 2020, she joined Neue Züricher Zeitung  in Zurich and has been Lead Product Manager for subscription initiatives since the beginning of the year. Nashua shows how the right combination of data and targeted content can reach more and more readers. Her love of writing certainly plays a role in this, too. In 2018, she published her own collection of works, “All the words a stage,” and founded the literary collective Peel Street Poetry at the age of 16.


Aliya Itzkowitz

Manager, FT Strategies

Aliya is a Manager at FT Strategies, the consulting arm of the Financial Times, where she has consulted over 20 publishers across Europe, Asia, Africa and North America. Her work focuses on some of the critical shifts facing publishers today, including rethinking revenue models and building direct relationships with audiences. Prior to the FT, she worked at Dataminr, bringing AI technology to newsrooms and at Bloomberg as a TV producer. Aliya has an MBA from the University of Oxford and a BA from Harvard University. She is currently a member of the PPA’s Next Generation Board.

Keynote & scoop-Award

Prof. Christina Elmer

Professor of Digital Journalism and Data Journalism at TU Dortmund University

Prof. Christina Elmer is Professor of Digital Journalism and Data Journalism at TU Dortmund University. Previously, she worked in various positions in the editorial department of SPIEGEL, most recently as deputy head of development. From 2017 to 2019, she was part of the editorial team of SPIEGEL ONLINE. She is a shareholder of AlgorithmWatch, is involved in the board of the Netzwerk Recherche association, and was named “Science Journalist of the Year 2016” by MEDIUM MAGAZIN. Further stations as a data journalist in the Investigative Research team of the magazine STERN and at DPA as well as a trainee at WDR in Cologne and Münster. Studied journalism and biology at the TU Dortmund University.

scoop-Award Laudatio

Prof. Dr. Maren Urner

Professor of Media Psychology, HMKW University of Applied Sciences for Media, Communication and Business in Cologne, Germany

Prof. Dr. Maren Urner is a neuroscientist and professor of media psychology at the HMKW University of Applied Sciences for Media, Communication and Business in Cologne. She studied cognitive and neuroscience, among others at McGill University in Montreal, and received her PhD from University College London. In 2016, she co-founded the first ad-free online magazine “Perspective Daily” for constructive journalism. She led the editorial team as editor-in-chief until March 2019 and served as managing editor. Since September 2020, she has been a columnist at the Frankfurter Rundschau. Her two books “Schluss mit dem täglichen Weltuntergang” (Droemer 2019) and “Raus aus der ewigen Dauerkrise” (Droemer 2021) are SPIEGEL bestsellers.

Fotocredit: Lea Franke


Maylis Chevalier

Director of Innovation and Digital Product, Vocento

Currently, Maylis and her team at Vocento are focused on leading and driving the transformation of Vocento Group into a user- and product-centric media group to achieve sustainable growth. A versatile and multicultural personality, she brings extensive leadership experience in the integration of business, technology and content. She began her media career in Hamburg at Axel Springer. At the same time, she is an active investor in the Spanish start-up ecosystem. And she finds her balance as a social entrepreneur with her NGO in Nepal, training professionals as well as ski racing. 


Mathias Douchet

Director of Product, The Telegraph

Mathias Douchet has been working for The Telegraph for almost 10 years. He started as a senior product owner in 2014 and has been leading the product team around the digital offerings, such as the Telegraph website or app, since 2018. With his new approach, Mathias and his team have managed to increase subscriptions to over 750,000 within five years. Meanwhile, the Telegraph app is one of the most popular news apps in the UK. Douchet was previously a product management lead at various companies, including Yahoo.


Marie Kilg

Journalist and innovation manager

Marie Kilg is a freelance journalist, product manager and media consultant. Passionate about words and machines, she has birthed bots for media companies and universities, helped create the German personality for Amazon’s Alexa, and co-founded the Turing Agency, which aims to encourage conversations about AI in society. At Deutsche Welle’s DW Lab, Marie coordinates innovation projects for international journalism. She trained her first neural network in 2017 and launched the first ever non-human newspaper columnist in 2022. In her free time, Marie enjoys reading, live music and practicing martial arts. 

Fotocredit: David Pierce Brill


Gregor Schmalzried

Author and net journalist

Gregor Schmalzried writes and consults on digital media and technology, among others for Bayerischer Rundfunk, Brand Eins and his newsletter He is the developer and author of the fiction podcasts “Mia Insomnia”, “Flüsterwelt” and “Lynn ist nicht allein”. He has received several awards for his work, including the Golden Blogger and a spot on the “30 to 30” list in medium magazine. Furthermore, he is nominated for the German television award and German podcast award.


Enrique Tarragona


Enrique Tarragona has been with ZEIT ONLINE since 2008, initially as Head of Product Management, later as a member of the Executive Board and authorized signatory. Since 2016, Enrique Tarragona has been Managing Director of ZEIT ONLINE GmbH. In February 2020, he was additionally appointed to the management of academics GmbH and July 2020 to the management of Good Conversations gGmbH.
In recent years, he has particularly driven the development of the various revenue models, which, in addition to revenues from traditional advertising and the expansion of classified advertising markets, include in particular the topics of e-publishing and paid content, most recently with the introduction of Z+ as a hybrid paywall model. Enrique Tarragona studied communication science, marketing and psychology and held various positions at Vodafone and Deutsche Telekom before joining ZEIT ONLINE.

Fireside Chat

Sebastian Kuhnert

Vice President of Business Development,

Sebastian Kuhnert has more than 13 years of experience in start-up management, scale-ups, business development and corporate development. As Vice President of Business Development at, the world’s largest chess community with over 135 million users*, Sebastian is currently committed to growing the game and the sport of chess on a global scale. Previously, he held leadership roles at companies such as Play Magnus Group, Chess24, Tradimo Interactive and Sebastian has a track record of success in areas such as strategy, sales, partnerships, fundraising, investor relations and communications. As a thought leader in technology and innovation, Sebastian offers unique insights into the business of online platforms, digital transformation and the future of digital entertainment.


Miriam Scharlibbe

Editor-in-Chief, sh:z Schleswig-Holsteinischer Zeitungsverlag

Miriam Scharlibbe believes in constructive journalism, digital transformation AND a continuation of printed quality media. She tries to reconcile all of this in the northernmost corner of Germany. Since April 2021, she has been Editor-in-Chief for Content and Development at the Schleswig-Holstein newspaper publisher sh:z in Flensburg. In addition to 22 daily newspapers published between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, between Pinneberg and Sylt, the editorial team also develops digital local journalistic formats at 24 locations. Previously, she was head of news at in Hamburg and, even earlier, political editor at Neue Westfälische in Bielefeld. She believes in good journalism on a large and small scale, in the classic craft of research, and that a love of print and a digital future are not mutually exclusive. She is a member of the German Press Council, the dju in Ver.di, and Netzwerk Recherche. She speaks fluent High German, Westphalian and Ruhrpöttisch (born in Essen in 1988), but so far only moderately good North German.


Luise Lange-Letellier

Head of Communication & Fundraising, CORRECTIV

Luise Lange-Letellier joined CORRECTIV, the first nonprofit media in Germany, in 2016. Since 2020, she has been responsible as team leader for communications and fundraising. Already during her studies of sociology with a focus on technology science from the TU Berlin, she is concerned with the possibilities of engagement in the digital space and carries these experiences forward. In her role, she has successfully built structures to actively engage people with CORRECTIV, make the organization’s impact visible, and generate donations for its public benefit work.

Fotocredit: Ivo Mayr/ CORRECTIV


Johanna Rüdiger

Head of Social Media Strategy, Culture and Documentaries / Deutsche Welle

Johanna Rüdiger is Head of Social Media Strategy at Deutsche Welle (DW) in the Culture and Documentaries department and ensures that the DW department’s social media channels reach as many users as possible – especially in the young target group. Johanna Rüdiger studied politics, trained at the Berlin School of Journalism and worked for print and TV editorial departments for many years. In addition, Johanna Rüdiger is a content creator on TikTok and Instagram. Her channels (more than 200,000 followers on TikTok) bring news updates in English about Berlin and Germany.


Björn Staschen

Chairman Staff Council, NDR / scoopcamp-Board


Cordula Schmitz

Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Hamburger Abendblatt / scoopcamp-Board


Astrid Maier

Journalist (from October dpa) / scoopcamp-Board


This year, scoopcamp participants can look forward to an exciting day with many highlights and varied formats: from inspiring keynotes and panels to fireside chats, which offer visitors the opportunity to engage in conversation on the topics and actively exchange experiences and challenges. This year’s scoopcamp will be moderated by Dr. Johanna Leuschen, Head of Portfolio & Innovations at NDR.

from 09:00 a.m.

Accreditation & Breakfast Lounge at our SPACE

in the heart of the Speicherstadt with music by snaer.

from 09:00 a.m.

09:45 a.m.


Dr. Carsten Brosda (Senator for Culture and Media)

Language: German

09:45 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

Public, private or non-profit? How will the journalism of the future be financed?

Panel with Björn Staschen (NDR), Enrique Tarragona (ZEIT ONLINE), Cordula Schmitz (Hamburger Abendblatt), Dr. Carsten Brosda (Senator for Culture and Media), Luise Lange-Letellier (CORRECTIV)

Moderation: Dr. Johanna Leuschen (NDR)

Language: German

10:00 a.m.

10:30 a.m.

scoop-Award Laudatio

Prof. Dr. Maren Urner (Professor of Media Psychology, HMKW University of Applied Sciences for Media, Communication and Business)

Language: German

10:30 a.m.

10:45 a.m.

Presentation of the scoop-Award & Keynote: Disruption across the board: Why AI technologies particularly challenge the media – and how they can make journalism better

Prof. Christina Elmer (Professor of Digital Journalism and Data Journalism at TU Dortmund)

Language: German

10:45 a.m.

11:15 a.m.


with music by snaer.

11:15 a.m.

11:45 a.m.

Super Fans: The importance of community building for the future of news

Keynote by Aliya Itzkowitz (FT Strategies)

Language: English

11:45 a.m.

12:15 p.m.

When news is not enough: new products for the media business of the future.

Panel with Mathias Douchet (The Telegraph) and Maylis Chevalier (Vocento)

Moderation: Christoph Zimmer (DER SPIEGEL)

Language: English

12:15 p.m.

12:45 p.m.

Lunch break

Lunch at Office.One and get-together at SPACE with coffee and music by snaer.

12:45 p.m.

2:00 p.m.

When the next generation suddenly says no – strategies for a media industry in the battle for the best talents

Panel with Hatice Kahraman (Salon 5 CORRECTIV), Christoph Zimmer (DER SPIEGEL), Johanna Rüdiger (Deutsche Welle), Miriam Scharlibbe (sh:z)

Moderation: Astrid Maier (from October dpa)

Language: German

2:00 p.m.

2:30 p.m.

It’s not just about the paywall

Keynote by Nashua Gallagher (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)

Language: English

2:30 p.m.

3:00 p.m.

Theme rooms

Talk further about the topics of the panel discussions with the speakers, board partners and participants in the theme rooms.

with graphic recordings by Magdalena Vollmer

3:00 p.m.

4:00 p.m.


4:00 p.m.

4:30 p.m.

Old Game, New Moves: What journalism can learn from the largest chess community

Fireside Chat with Sebastian Kuhnert (

Moderation: Roland Eisenbrand (OMR)

Language: German

4:30 p.m.

5:00 p.m.

The future of the media industry: What will AI change?

Panel with Marie Kilg (self-employed journalist and innovation manager) and Gregor Schmalzried (self-employed author and net journalist).

Moderation: Holger Volland (brand eins)

Language: German

5:00 p.m.

5:30 p.m.

Closing remarks & Wrap-up

Dr. Johanna Leuschen (NDR)

Language: German

5:30 p.m.

from 5:45 p.m.


with music by snaer.

from 5:45 p.m.

The scoopcamp 2023 will take place on September 14, 2023.


This year, the scoopcamp will be jointly organized and curated by nextMedia.Hamburg and a newly founded scoopcamp-Board of leading Hamburg media companies. These include DIE ZEIT, NDR, Der Spiegel, New Work SE, Hamburger Abendblatt, brand eins, dpa, NOZ Digital, Jahreszeiten Verlag, OMR, Bauer Media Group and RTL.

Katja Fleischmann

Katja Fleischmann

Bianca Wibbeke_Fotocredit Moellenhoff

Bianca Wibbeke

Porträt von Johanna Leuschen

Dr. Johanna Leuschen

Fireside Chat

Roland Eisenbrand

Lisa Rißmann

Lisa Rißmann

Sarah Schüle

Sarah Schüle

Christoph Zimmer

Cordula Schmitz

Cordula Schmitz

Katja Fleischmann

dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH

Bianca Wibbeke



Dr. Johanna Leuschen

Head of Portfolio & Innovations, NDR

Dr. Johanna Leuschen is the leader of the portfolio & innovation department at NDR. Before that, she spent many years in front of and behind the camera e.g. as a video journalist for NDR formats such as “7 Days”. During her career she has also worked as a television writer for Kulturjournal and as a presenter at Filmfest Hamburg. Furthermore, she gave seminars on topics like “agile project management”. From 2014 to 2019, she developed new video formats for television and cross-media storytelling for BOX, the development lab of NDR. From 2019 to 2020, she was editor for innovation at N-JOY and from 2020, she led the NDR audiolab “THINK AUDIO” with a focus on digital transformation in audio. For some of her work and projects she has won awards (including Grimme Online).

Fireside Chat

Roland Eisenbrand

Head of Content, OMR

Roland Eisenbrand has been active as a journalist in the digital industry for more than ten years. After starting his career at ONEtoONE, he joined OMR in 2014 as the second permanent employee. Since then, he has leaded the editorial team and had a decisive influence on the development of OMR as a media brand. The OMR editorial team publishes daily articles and newsletters about the most important trends, companies and events of digital marketing world and is responsible for the programme planning for the OMR Festival with 70,000 visitors.

Lisa Rißmann

Bauer Xcel Media Deutschland KG

Sarah Schüle

RTL Deutschland

Christoph Zimmer


Cordula Schmitz

Hamburger Abendblatt

Partner and Sponsors

Retrospect 2022


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As Community and Event Manager, Rouven is the contact person for the event area. He oversees nextMedia.Events such as the nextMedia.Sessions, event cooperations, the scoopcamp and the event community. He studied social economics with a focus on market-oriented management at the University of Hamburg and worked part-time in the music and audio sector. Most recently, he was involved in the business development of a multimedia project in the children and family sector and is also active as a musician in Hamburg.

Rouven Leonavicius

Community & Event Manager
T +49 40 / 23 72 435 61