Journalism and the Climate Crisis

22Feb.Ganztägig23Digitales EventJournalism and the Climate Crisis


How to sustain newsworthy, engaging and affordable climate change coverage?

The changing climate and its consequences look set to be a front page story for the rest of our lives. But producing content that catches the interest and attention of audiences – and conveys the urgency of the challenge, is difficult.

The World Association of News Publishers will gather journalists, editors and thought leaders from around the world to share their ideas and work in a virtual summit on 22 and 23 February.

The Global eSummit organised by WAN-IFRA, spread over five online sessions across two days, will look at particular challenges

1) Storytelling heroes:  a focus on newsrooms successfully making sense of climate change for their audiences – across all beats and despite resource challenges.
2) Paying for climate change coverage: amid scarce resources, how are newsrooms growing and monetising their climate coverage?
3) Extreme collaboration:  one way to improve your climate coverage and the authority of your journalism is through partnerships. Ideas on how to do it.
4) Training and resources: climate touches all beats, all journalists, all editors. Where and how can you access training for all your staff.
5) Newsroom organisation: climate, like the pandemic, has shown the value of being prepared for ongoing science, health and environmental stories. How do you organise resources and workflow for responsive, specialist and sustainable coverage

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Februar 22(Dienstag) - Februar 23(Mittwoch) (Ganztägig)(GMT-11:00)


Digitales Event

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